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11月, 2022の投稿を表示しています


Titanic was released in 1997. It was directed by James Francis Cameron and acting by Leonardo Dicaprio. It won the 70th Academy award for Best picture and Best director. It grossed over $2.2 billion. The movie "Titanic" is based on the actual sinking accident of the Titanic that actually happened in 1912. Before the sinking, the figures of people who fell into extreme conditions are realistically depicted. Jack, an asping painter, and Rose, a daughter of the upper class, have a fateful encounter on board. this is the story of two people who overcome the love of different social status and are tied with a strong bond. The reproduction of the sinking scene was a masterpiece. I was moved by the love between Jack and Rose, Over coming the difference in her social status,    In the final scene, I cried when Jack helped Rose.  It's a long movie of 3 hours, but I was so absorbed in it that it passed in no time.